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Brez milosti – Antologija sodobne slovenske kratke proze

It's Already the Morning of the Last Day

21,99 27,90 

The anthology, released in the year when Slovenia is the main guest of the Frankfurt Book Fair, presents authors in a vibrant creative surge, covering a period from the country’s independence (or the late eighties) to more recent publications.

Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
No. of pages: 336
Year of publication: 2023

The anthology was published with the intention of showcasing the diversity, richness, and resilience of one of the more protean and experimental prose expressions in Slovenian literature. It includes those who still significantly shape the Slovenian prose landscape, even though their creativity is not limited solely to the short form. Also included are texts by debutants, revised versions of previously published stories, and even some unpublished texts.

The contribution of selected authors to contemporary Slovenian (short) prose is significant, and the need to include new names will undoubtedly continue to grow over time – as it should. This book thus represents an intermediate link in a chain that, it is hoped, will continue to collect good stories for a long time to come. The supply is inexhaustible.



Agata Tomažič, Ana Schnabl, Andraž Rožman, Andrej Blatnik, Andrej E. Skubic, Anja Mugerli, Arjan Pregl, Boris Kolar, Desa Muck, Drago Jančar, Dušan Čater, Dušan Šarotar, Eva Markun, Goran Vojnović, Jani Virk, Jedrt Maležič, Maja Novak, Miha Mazzini, Mirana Likar, Mojca Kumerdej, Nejc Gazvoda, Polona Glavan, Sebastijan Pregelj, Sergej Curanović, Suzana Tratnik, Tadej Golob, Tomaž Kosmač, Veronika Simoniti, Vesna Lemaić, Vincenc Möderndorfer, Katarina Marinčič, Milan Kleč, Franci Novak