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award nominee




What happens when you fall through the cracks in the system? You can be deported, your neighbours can seize your apartment, you are left without a job, a doctor, even your own child …

Kresnik Award longlist nominee
Film adaptation written and directed by the author

Rights sold:
Germany, Italy, Hungary, North Macedonia, Poland, Serbia, Ukraine, Egypt

Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Year of publication: 2019
No. of pages: 270

Izbrisana (Erased) is the story of a single mother named Zala who, in the maternity ward, discovers that she is not in the computer systems and therefore neither her newborn baby officially doesn’t exist. It’s a novel of events forced upon Slovene born in the wrong part of the decaying country who, in the early 1990s, had their ID cards destroyed in administrative offices across Slovenia. What happens when you fall through the cracks in the system? You can be deported, your neighbours can seize your apartment, you are left without a job, a doctor, even your own child … Zala’s frantic search for a solutions turns into a tense thriller that reveals the anomalies of Slovene society.

Film adaptation written and directed by the author
Based on this book feature film was released, written and directed by Miha Mazzini. The movie received many awards in Slovenia and abroad.

Miha Mazzini (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Miha Mazzini

Miha Mazzini has published nine literary books and seven manuals, four of his scripts were turned into films, two of which he directed himself. He has received severa awards for his work: Slovene Novel of the Year award for Drobtinice, Zlata ptica awards for exceptional artistic achievements, CIRCOM award for the best European television film, …