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Kralj ropotajočih duhov

The King of the Rattling Spirits


This is one of the best, and above all, the wittiest Slovenian development novels. With this novel, Miha Mazzini described his growing up for the first time in literature, which he continued with the books Otroštvo (2015) and Osebno (2022).

Year of publication: 2022
No. of pages: 320
Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm

In the 1970s, in an Alpine industrial town, the teenager Egon is afraid of his mother, a drama queen, his religious mad grandmother and his sadistic gym teacher. His life is a bit easier mainly because of his friend Fric, his constantly smoking neighbor Roman and his uncle Viktor, a truck driver who is full of life wisdom.

With this novel, Miha Mazzini described his growing up for the first time in literature, which he continued with the books Otroštvo (2015) and Osebno (2022).

Based on this book feature film was released which received many awards in Slovenia and abroad.

Miha Mazzini (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Miha Mazzini

Miha Mazzini has published nine literary books and seven manuals, four of his scripts were turned into films, two of which he directed himself. He has received severa awards for his work: Slovene Novel of the Year award for Drobtinice, Zlata ptica awards for exceptional artistic achievements, CIRCOM award for the best European television film, …