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Križci, krožci

Noughts and Crosses

19,99 24,90 

Giga’s wife left her. She must not approach her child. Can a bad ending at least have a good beginning?

Dimensions: 13 × 20 cm
Year of publication: 2022

“Which one is now the mother?” is a question that does not only arise at the moment when Giga has to face a restraining order against her child, but has accompanied her relationship with Alina since Zarja’s birth. Now the family that once fought for equality in the world of heterosexual parents has split into two mothers, two homes, and Urban, Alina’s new partner, which plunges Giga into depression and causes her to break with the overly-confining lesbian scene. But first, in the pandemic capital, she took care of the biggest disaster of the longest night. A witty and critical novel shows that even the most unhappy ending can have the most beautiful beginning.

Jedrt Maležič (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Jedrt Maležič

Jedrt Maležič (1979) is a writer and a literary translator from English and French. Her first collection of short stories Težkomentalci (Heavymentals), published in 2016 and shortlisted for the best debut award, has opened and demystified the topic of staying in a psychiatric hospital as a totalitarian institution in the 21st century. The following book, Bojne barve (War Paint), shortlisted for the Novo Mesto Award, discusses the topic of several different LGBT entities and their troubles in coming out in a closed or hostile society. In 2018, she published her first novel Vija vaja ven (Eeny, meenie, mynie, moe), which tackles the subject of dangerous new age mentality and spiritual cults. Napol morilke (Almost Murderers) is her second novel.