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Kuhinja z razgledom : eseji iz antropologije hrane

Kitchen With a View: Essays on the Anthropology of Food

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Kuhinja z razgledom (Kitchen With a View: Essays on the Anthropology of Food) is a book meant for gourmets and those interested in our roots – food is the source of life for tribes in the tropic and the sophisticated court of Catherine of Medici alike. The book’s excellency is evident by the Mirko Kovač award for best collection of essays received for the slightly shorter version of the collection published in Serbian.

Year of publication: 2016
No. of pages: 367

About the Book

Vegetables, fruit, meat, desserts; dishes and rituals connected to food. From the artichoke to the torte, from male bonding at the grill to a New Year’s Eve dinner. Svetlana Slapšak, professor of anthropology of antiquity and gender, playfully explores both the history of ideas connected to food and specific recipes, mainly from the European-Mediterranean area from antiquity to today, but she also wanders into Asia, the Amazon forests and the time of early American civilizations.

Svetlana Slapšak

Svetlana Slapšak (1948) is an anthropologist and Doctor of Ancient Studies whose academic career has taken her to numerous European and American universities. Her biography gives an insight into the intellectual scene of the latter years of Yugoslavia and the period of formation of new states, for she stood up to regimes and ideologies, persistently defending her humanist thought, something that was especially important during the period of war in the Balkans when she was also included among the nominees for the Nobel Peace Prize. Lecturer and Dean at the Faculty of Postgraduate Humanist Studies in Ljubljana, she is author of over 50 books, around 400 scientific studies and over 1000 essays.