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Oj, Triglav, moj dom

Oh, Triglav, My Home

21,99 37,91 

“You can’t go any higher.”

Slovenia’s most famous detective, Taras, is this time surprised by a crime at 2800 meters above sea level.

Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Year of publication: 2023
No. of pages: 432

Taras Birsa, an experienced detective inspector at the Ljubljana Police Department and a former mountaineer, sets out with his police team to Triglav. Little does he suspect that their excursion will soon turn into a tense detective puzzle.

A storm on Triglav traps a group of climbers. Taras and his former climbing partner head from Kredarica to participate in the rescue operation, where amidst confused and desperate climbers, they stumble upon a corpse. Although at the time the entire rescue team is convinced that the victim was struck by lightning, it later turns out that he was shot in the head before that. Under the leadership of their new boss, Bohte, Taras’s team finds themselves facing multiple mysteries – why would someone shoot someone at the top of Triglav? What connection does the victim have with the others, and why do none of the climbers recognize him?

Tadej Golob (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Tadej Golob

Tadej Golob (b. 1967) is a unique Slovene author with a thematically broad range of works. In 2010 he won the Kresnik Award for best novel with his debut Svinjske nogice (Pig’s Feet). He is one of the authors of Z Everesta (From Everest, 2000), where he describes Davo Karničar’s ski descent from the highest mountain in the world, one he has also summited himself. He began his career in sports journalism but later became well-known for his interviews with famous Slovenes, which paved the way for several biographies (among them that of professional basketball player Goran Dragić). His 2013 novel Ali boma ye! describes the story of an amateur boxer facing the last fight of his career and an offer he can’t refuse. More recently, his series of crime novels featuring Inspector Taras Birsa, starting with the novel Jezero (The Lake), has become one of the most successful book series in Slovene. Each new volume tops the sales and library charts, and the bestselling novels have also been adapted for television, further popularising home-grown crime fiction in Slovenia. Through his unique approach to writing and a sensitivity for what readers enjoy, Golob has proved that Slovene literature can also reach a mass readership.


Former study colleague Tadej Golob has evolved from an excellent journalist, particularly known for his interviews, into an outstanding crime fiction writer. Successfully so – as confirmed by readers – he has created his (dark) portrayal of contemporary Slovenian society, which he skillfully dissects in literature, but above all, he has gifted us with intriguing stories and characters, with whom he plays quite charmingly as their creator.

Igor E. Bergant