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Afterword: Goran Vojnović

19,99 24,90 

“In short, ‘Onečejevalec’ is a chronicle of perversions, deviancies, and transgressions that mysteriously coalesce around one character. It is a documentation of confusion, torn fragments caused by undefined aggression, violence, and disgust that disrupt the order of things. Many of our questions about the nature of good and evil, the limits of decency and indecency, and ultimately the nature of reality and the role of (meta)fiction itself are ‘attached’ to the persona of Theodor Baumann.” (from the foreword by Silvija Žnidar)

Dimensions: 13x20
No. of pages:
Year of publication: 2024

At first, puddles begin to appear in the most unexpected public places: around shops, by monuments, in libraries… Then, young women start to die in mysterious circumstances. The suicides remain unexplained, but it seems all paths lead to one enigmatic figure. Through the narrative, the image of a reclusive, anonymous nomad gradually emerges, one who repeatedly crosses the boundary of good taste. The story serves as both a mirror and critique of the present time, the era of the “new normal,” where only the excessive seems to be of interest. It can also be read as a cathartic account of hope and art triumphing over destruction.

Kazimir Kolar

Kazimir Kolar is a versatile writer. So far, he has published the novel “Glas noči” (Litera, 2016), which was translated into Italian in 2022 under the title “Lampreht” and published by Wojtek in Naples. This was followed by a collection of short stories titled “Zgodbe nekega slabiča” from 2021 (also by Litera), for which he was nominated for the Novo Mesto Short Prize, an award for the best short story collection. He is interested in contemporary philosophical currents and unusual forms of life.

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