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The Pizza Delivery Guy


Contentious essays about crime

Who is the mysterious nameless figure hidden behind the unremarkable appearance of a pizza delivery man? What is he hiding that could harm the highest levels of Slovenian politics? And how does the secret ultimately destroy his life?

Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Year of publication: 2023
No. of pages:

The Pizza Delivery Guy is a contemporary, current, and vivid novel that addresses modern times. It reflects the pathology of present-day society and people. All the horrors described in the novel are part of the system—people, especially men, as portrayed in the novel, are necessary in every war on every occupied territory. War awakens their pathological tendencies; it is the right time for their unconscious fantasies to mature or for them to have the opportunity to express them. These are the abused children of political ideologies. In times of peace, we mostly remain concealed and do not develop into beasts. However, if the system expects, provides opportunities, rewards, and expects, envelops with glory and pathological phrases—we can be, here and now, like the people in the novel The Pizza Delivery Guy.

Dušan Merc

Dušan Merc, the author of twenty prose books, explores the perspectives of nonconforming individuals in his novels and short stories, focusing particularly on the sinister yet fantastical chasm between the outsider and their environment. He graduated from the Faculty of Arts in Ljubljana, from the Department of Comparative Literature and Literary Theory. Initially employed as a Slovenian language teacher, he later served as the principal of Prule Elementary School for thirty-two years. His literary work has earned him multiple nominations for the Kresnik Award and the Prešeren Fund Award. He is also well known to the broader public for his columns, where he presents uncompromising views on general societal issues, primarily education, the position of youth, and the treatment of problematic individuals.

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