Kamen in glas
19,99 € – 24,90 €
One of the most important Slovenian philosophers, Mladen Dolar, is renowned as a significant thinker on art, particularly literature. Despite being the author of numerous prefaces and articles on literary topics, these works have not yet been published in a standalone book. “Kamen in glas” is thus the first attempt to select the most important works by Dolar on verbal art.
No. of pages: 344
Year of publication: 2024
The book consists of various reflections – from theoretical texts on irony and the essence of literature (we can’t bypass Hegel’s Aesthetics) through classics (Oedipus, Gulliver), Kafka, Brecht, Calvino, even Slovenian authors (A. Golob, M. Kumerdej, M. Zorko), to … Beckett. Although these writings come from greatly diverse authors, readings, interpretations, comments, they ultimately intertwine into a single endeavor and theoretical tension. Two texts, one at the beginning and the other at the end of this collection, bear the subtitle “From Hegel to Beckett” and suggest a narrative about the end of an era, the expiration of classical aesthetic expectations and standards, a story about the rise of modernism – but also a story about the end and its expiration. Thus, a series of questions seems inevitable: “Where now? When now? Who now?”