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14,99 19,90 

Seven years on a small biodynamic estate reveal the painful consequences of climate change to a farmer unwilling to surrender.

Rožanc award shortlist for the best collection of essays


Rights sold: Germany


Dimensions: 13 × 20 cm
No. of pages: 136
Year of publication: 2024

Akcija velja samo za fizične osebe.

Seven beginnings and seven ends of a season on a small farm can almost kill you, but also reward you, sober you up and teach you humility. Nataša Kramberger, who at the age of thirty-three took on a run-down estate and turned it into a vibrant biodynamic farm, seven years later, in a follow-up to her novel Comparable Hectares, reflects on what went right, what went wrong and what else we can do to avoid the next disaster.

In seven years of farming, the effects of climate change have become painfully obvious: one day, trees spontaneously topple after a prolonged drought, the following day the cellar turns into a swamp due to floods. Nature is out of control, it seems, no longer following any rules. In such circumstances, what practices can an organic farmer follow? While some try to follow the bureaucratic rules of European subsidies and the irrational demands of the markets, Nataša Kramberger discovers age-old wisdoms and learns how to observe. We are all part of a global environmental balance. So we have to accept responsibility. Responsibility for still having a chance.

Foto: Daniele Croci

Nataša Kramberger

Nataša Kramberger (born in Maribor, 1983) is a writer, columnist, youth worker and organic farmer. In her books, essays, reports and commentaries, she often links the rural and the urban, and merges different genre. She is also author of interdisciplinary artistic projects on agriculture, natural construction with earth and nature conservation. She runs a small biodynamic farm in Jurovski Dol where, together with the collective Green Central, she hosts numerous young people from all over Europe, in an attempt to equip them with the knowledge and experiences to help combat climate change. During the winter she moves to Berlin, trying to understand and find ways of bringing this fight the concrete of a city with millions of inhabitants.