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Svinje brez biserov

Pigs without pearls


A collection of short stories about the (postrural but not yet entirely urban) “heroes” of their own habits and values.

Year of publication: 2002
No. of pages: 151

About the Book

Pregelj’s protagonists don’t know the present life, they live their washed-out triviality, it keeps bringing them down, faceless and shallow, etches their dignity, leaving them without hope of a change. Unless … The only thing that can shoot them out of the depressing triviality is pathology, violence, the madness of violence. Evil. It makes them forget about the empty claptrap about justice, morality and how things should be. In just one moment all the pondering about the transitoriness of things seems to evaporate from their heads. In this moment only, they exist – guilty of murder – otherwise able to live normally , but the problem is that in the next moment everything is ruined and most of all, so final. For everything else is irrevocably too late.

Igor Bratož

Sebastijan Pregelj (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Sebastijan Pregelj

Sebastijan Pregelj was born in Ljubljana in 1970. He’s been publishing stories in literary publications since 1992. His first novel, Burkači, skrunilci in krivoprisežniki, was published in 1996, followed by a short story collection. His work was included in the Čas kratke zgodbe anthology, which was translated into German and Czech. He loves and works in Ljubljana and is a member of the Slovene Writer’s Association.