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The collection “Two-faced” consists of twenty-four short stories, in which Jedrt Maležič describes people who perceive the world through the filter of firmly held personal beliefs, even if these beliefs may work to their detriment.

Dimensions: 13 × 20 cm
No. of pages: 201
Year of publication: 2023

Akcija velja samo za fizične osebe.

The short story collection Dimorphs contains twenty-four stories in which Jedrt Maležič describes people who perceive the world through a filter of their own rigid personal convictions, even when this works against them.

The dimorphs are stuck in circumstances they perceive as only happening to them. Often they are people at a stage in life when they are seriously thinking about how the time has come for them to get their lives in order. This creates additional and unconscious anxiety that manifests itself in different forms, as a childish infatuation with a potential partner, as neurotic grooming of younger lovers, finding one’s place in a hierarchy of drinking friends, struggling between pleasing both family and a demanding boss, and so on. The dimorphs do not realise that, in order to achieve maturity and inner peace, one has to sometimes make sacrifices, accept the mistakes and imperfections of the other person, and especially acknowledge one’s own. In a structurally skilful and stylistically sparkling way, the stories present complex psychological states, placed in a single moment of everyday life, which, however, especially through meaningful details, gives us a complete picture of the lives of the protagonists all the way back to their childhood. Jedrt Maležič is unrelenting towards her literary heroes. She does not forgive them, rub them up the right way, sympathise with them. They have to make the best of each situation themselves, for only this way will they ever mature. Without crutches, without sugar-coated pity.

Jedrt Maležič (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Jedrt Maležič

Jedrt Maležič (1979) is a writer and a literary translator from English and French. Her first collection of short stories Težkomentalci (Heavymentals), published in 2016 and shortlisted for the best debut award, has opened and demystified the topic of staying in a psychiatric hospital as a totalitarian institution in the 21st century. The following book, Bojne barve (War Paint), shortlisted for the Novo Mesto Award, discusses the topic of several different LGBT entities and their troubles in coming out in a closed or hostile society. In 2018, she published her first novel Vija vaja ven (Eeny, meenie, mynie, moe), which tackles the subject of dangerous new age mentality and spiritual cults. Napol morilke (Almost Murderers) is her second novel.