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Map of Other Lives


This is the story of cartographer Robert who buys a stolen tablet carrying an intriguing secret. Though he once lived a solitary, almost lonely, life curiosity drives him among other people into the risky business of mapping other people’s lives. In an idyllic mountain resort he slowly uncovers the mystery of three murders: one personal, the other collective and the third media.

Dimensions: 13 x 20 cm
Year of publication: 2016
No. of pages: 334

The theme of the novel is murder and its consequences. The first murderer committed an individual murder and his conscience torments him for the rest of his life. The second murder is collective, the crowd killed and the killer has no problems with his conscience, as he considers that he was only a grain in the sand. The third murder is committed with the help of the media and the perpetrator does not even understand that he has killed.

Miha Mazzini (foto: Boštjan Pucelj)

Miha Mazzini

Miha Mazzini has published nine literary books and seven manuals, four of his scripts were turned into films, two of which he directed himself. He has received severa awards for his work: Slovene Novel of the Year award for Drobtinice, Zlata ptica awards for exceptional artistic achievements, CIRCOM award for the best European television film, …