Call for applications: ‘ABSOLUTE MODERN’
Skopje, the 15th of January 2015
Call forapplications:
Literary Residency “Absolute Modern”, Skopje 2015
Goten Publishing House in cooperation with the TRADUKI network invite writers and translators from Southeast Europe (Slovenia, Croatia, Serbia, Albania, Kosovo, Bosna and Herzegovina, Montenegro, Bulgaria and Romania) to apply for writers-in-residence program «Absolute Modern», in Skopje, Macedonia.
Three residential scholarships, each in the duration of 4 weeks, are available in the spring semester of the year 2015:
– 01.04.2015
– 01.05.2015
– 01.06.2015
and in the autumn 2015:
– 01.09.2015
– 01.10.2015
– 01.11.2015
Applicants eligible for this fellowship are fiction writers, poets, essayists, columnists, translators and playwrights. We are interested in writers who are innovative, experimental, who cope with contemporary thematics in their works, or translators working on such translations.
The overall aim of the residency is to enable the contemporary Southeast European authors and translators to get more acquainted with literary, cultural, and social life in Macedonia, and particularly in Skopje, while at the same time the local audience gets to know the prominent regional literary scene. While in Skopje, the
visiting writer/translator uses the time of scholarship to work on their current project.
What can be expected from the residency?
-Accommodation in the city center;
-Travel costs covered by the organizer;
– Contribution to cost of living expenses of €800 per month;
-AWi-Fi internet connection;
-A cell‐phone with Macedonian sim card for the duration of the stay.
The application must contain:
1. Curriculum vitae (in Serbo-Croatian, English or German);
2. Contact information (full address, phone and e-mail);
3. A list of published works;
4. Motivation for staying in Skopje and a short description of the work plan.
Applications should be sent at: Goten Publishing,
Prolet 25,
1000 Skopje, Macedonia
or by e-mail at: contact@gotenpublishing.com
Contact person for questions, clarifications (not for sending the application to):robert.alagjozovski@gotenpublishing.com
The deadline for applications is February 15th 2015.
The fellowships will be awarded by an international expert jury, consisting of individuals with expertise and experience in literature. The applicants will be informed about the decision of the jury per e-mail latest by March 10th 2015.