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A Quick Overview of Summer Nights in Novo mesto 2015

Summer Nights in Novo mesto 2015 ran from 2nd July to 29th August. The festival opened with a mini street theatre festival, Rudi Potepuški. The three day mini festival featured many great theatre performers from Slovenia and abroad. Hundreds of visitors came to see the clowns, dancers, singers, comedians, and everyone in between, and helped to create a cheerful and creative atmosphere in the old town centre.

The main festival, Summer Nights in Novo mesto, offered visitors a plethora of events. Thursday nights were reserved for literary events, comedy shows, and talks, with the concerts taking place on Saturdays. Summer Nights in Novo mesto attracted visitors of all generations. By closing the main square for cars and reclaiming the town centre for people, we made it a place of entertainment and social gathering.

Summer Night in Novo mesto was made possible with the support of The Municipality of Novo mesto and Društvo novomeških študentov.